Language proficiency exam
ICAO, EASA Language Proficiency Test up to level 6 ONLINE
Purchase the ICAO, EASA Online exam (Web-Call, Zoom, Skype, etc...)
Schedule your test here inside our online scheduling calendar tool
Take the exam (approx.. 40-45 min) at the selected day and time (Skype / Zoom)
Book online and get your ONLINE EXAM DATE BOOKED.
Receive the ICAO language certificate and submit it to the authorities
- recognized in EASA member states such as Switzerand, Germany, Austria according to the EU (VO) 2019/1747, ICAO Doc 9835 and FCL.055 e)
- After the exam you will receive the level certified, which corresponds to your language level.
Our testing system has been checked and approved in accordance with the European Aviation Standards (EASA FCL.055) and follows the “Best Practice” of the ICAO in all respects
The test certificates issued are accepted acc. EU (VO) 2019/1747 in all EASA member states as well as Germany and Austria e.g.
The language examiners are qualified in accordance with ICAO Doc 9835, 2 examiners each assess the exam
The result of the respective language test is evalued in accordance with the ICAO Rating Scale (FCL Appendix 2) and the “Holistic Descriptors” (FCL.055). Depending on the language skills shown, level 4, level 5 or level 6 will be certified after the exam.
The test is carried out face-to-face AND voice-only according to AMC1 FCL.055 (Annex I to ED Decision 2020/005 / R)
The test is carried out via Skype or zoom. On site appointments are available upon request
The Exam will be held at our LAB110; The supervising authority for the LAB110 is Austro Control GmbH